Stories of Hope

Since 1973, King's Home has been home to thousands of youth, women, and adult moms with kids seeking refuge and hope. Below are some of their stories.

Michael, Youth Program

Michael (16) struggled with anger after losing his mom and grandma. He bounced between family and foster care before coming to King's Home last summer. He initially acted out, but with family counseling and support, he learned to manage his grief and anger. By Christmas, Michael was excited to return home to his sisters. We're proud of his progress!

Bridget, Women & Children Program

Bridget came to King’s Home Bethany in December 2022. From the very beginning, Bridget was motivated to find employment. She started out working for a temporary agency.  While working temp jobs, she tested to be placed on the State registry for a job, and she was number one.  Bridget was hired to work for the State in June of 2023. While continuing to live at King’s Home, she was able to save money, purchase a car and recently moved into her own apartment.  Bridget is a wonderful testament for women to work hard finding hope and opportunity at King’s Home.

Kayla, Youth Program

Kayla spent 3 years at King's Home dreaming of adoption. Though it didn't work out, Kayla stayed positive and thrived. As a senior, she got accepted to her dream college, Auburn! But even better news arrived in January. A foster family who knew Kayla offered her a forever home! Now, Kayla's excited about graduation and her new family. We're so happy for her journey!

Tessie, Women & Children’s Program

Like any young bride, Tessie was filled with hopes and dreams about her future when she got married.  She and her husband started their family and were blessed with three young children.  Over time, Tessie’s husband became increasingly abusive; she discovered he was having an affair. She knew she had to find a way out.

She sought refuge at King’s Home Tuscaloosa. After pondering possible career paths, she remembered that she was good in math in high school.  King’s Home helped Tessie enroll at The University of Alabama and she excelled academically.  Tessie was the first generation family member to attempt a college education. Not only did Tessie excel, but she also graduated from The University of Alabama with her B.S. and Masters in Accounting!

Anthony, Youth Program

Anthony was angry, full of bitterness, and extremely rebellious against all authority figures. Like many teenagers at King’s Home, this was the final stop and opportunity for Anthony before he would be placed in a “lockdown facility”.

Anthony settled down and began to understand the opportunity he had at King’s Home. He has since graduated from Shelby County High School and earned an Ambassador Scholarship to Jefferson State Community College. 

Anthony said the unconditional love and support he received from his house parents, even when he wasn’t acting very “loveable”, made the difference for him.  It was knowing, regardless of any mistakes and failures; he would still have a place to call home – King’s Home!

Jasmin, Youth Program

Jasmin's story is one of resilience. After enduring sexual abuse and depression, she found strength at Hillcrest and King's Home. Her father, previously absent, stepped up and learned to care for her. Now, reunited, Jasmine embraces a new chapter, filled with hope and gratitude for the support that helped her get here.

Jessica, Youth Program

Jessica's journey began like any other child's in Cullman County. Raised by a single mom with health struggles, her world shattered at 8 when she found her mom unresponsive. Grief manifested in severe tantrums, leading to placements that couldn't handle her trauma. Rejected initially by King's Home, they reconsidered and saw a scared child, not a behavioral problem. Tailored care and therapy worked wonders. Jessica's tantrums subsided, and her improvement is truly life-changing.

Angie, Youth Program

Angie's strength is inspiring. In 2021, she arrived at King's Home battling depression and PTSD from sexual abuse. After initial intensive treatment, Angie returned with renewed focus and a desire to move forward. She reconnected with her passions - singing and drawing. A powerful moment arrived when the DA asked her to testify against her abuser. With support from her counselor, Angie bravely took the stand, finding her voice and securing justice. Angie's courage in court empowered her and sent her abuser to jail.

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